Standard Disclaimer from Mel: Impossible Beef products contain allium derivatives which are toxic to real-life cats, so please guard your burgers. They are, however, perfectly safe and tasty for most humans and cartoons. 🙂
Archive for snooch
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Dead honest, I completed this strip happily after Mel wrote it, because I want to see if anyone at all gets the joke.
Mel: If they’re not going to make the images flavored, they should at least make scratch-n-sniff recipe magazines, I’m just sayin’.
Comic up before end of day! You know what they say, better late than suffering the medical bills and symptoms of Long COVID! So unrelated, per se, but one of the companies I’ve used for years to make stickers and[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Blame Mel entirely for this one. Mel: I accept the blame, lol! Short explanation for anyone who doesn’t live inside my head: Absinthe is a famous drink that is prepared by pouring water over a sugar cube into the glass[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…