there has been a layer shift in the oceans in march. +.2°C average worldwide. speculation is it’ll cause a massive el nino that’ll cause a tornado season unlike anything of the recent years among other things such as flooding from missdirected rain and drought where it should go.
if you’re in the alley, check your hideout integrety and stock emergency rations and equipment. its gonna be a ride.
Just to add to the fun, the Alley is shifting eastward. All those folks who think they are outside the Midwestern threat zone need to re-evaluate their need for tornado shelters.
Fyi: if you don’t have a basement but have a garage or workshop, there are steel shelters that can be bolted to the concrete floors.
It’s beginning to look a lot like Dis-mass.
Ugh, yes. Went for a walk this evening, felt like I should have brought a snorkel.
there has been a layer shift in the oceans in march. +.2°C average worldwide. speculation is it’ll cause a massive el nino that’ll cause a tornado season unlike anything of the recent years among other things such as flooding from missdirected rain and drought where it should go.
if you’re in the alley, check your hideout integrety and stock emergency rations and equipment. its gonna be a ride.
Just to add to the fun, the Alley is shifting eastward. All those folks who think they are outside the Midwestern threat zone need to re-evaluate their need for tornado shelters.
Fyi: if you don’t have a basement but have a garage or workshop, there are steel shelters that can be bolted to the concrete floors.
Remember, mother’s day is sunday!