Some of you have thought the site failing to update on time and then suddenly showing you a strip or three is a browser issue: Probably not.
Something happened in 2020. I mean… A LOT of things happened. Like, above and beyond COVID, around this house.
And after years and years of stringently updating on time – more than a decade – this comic’s update schedule fell to the gutter. For most of 2020 and 2021. And I feel bad about that. A little. It wasn’t like the death of a loved one or anything. But, lord, not gonna overshare, y’all have NO idea what we were dealing with. Real Life, for the first time since the start of this comic, took precedence over drawing a cat comic and updating it every M/W/F. At one point, there were some mild discussions about ending the series.
Getting back in the saddle has been a lil rough for me (J, the artist, I’ll let Mel provide her own version of events). We decided to really get our game back on this year. And we’ve been updating a lot closer to the schedule. But sometimes a week goes by and it’s like “Oh holy crud, I need to draw and upload three comics, I’m lagging.”
So no, it’s not your browser. It’s probably me uploading and backdating 3-4 comics because I was a slouch for a week. I’ll get back in line, I swear. But for now there will likely be hiccups along the way. Bad news is some days the comic won’t update on time. Good news is you might check the site and see 4 new strips where there were none!
Yeah, I know.
I mean, I wouldn’t exclude some weird browser/proxy cache issue, unless you very often happen to upload *just* as I wonder if something is stuck and do a force-reload, with a new page or two popping up.
<3 Do what you have to do guys, I'll just keep coming back 😛
I love reading Two Lumps and look forward to it every MWF. But this comic is not a comic without the people behind it being healthy, happy and safe.
There seem to be some cache issues as well where the latest strip doesn’t show until i click prev and then click last.
I don’t have a problem with sporadic updates. I do check the site nearly every day (even when nothing is scheduled). As a suggestion (you didn’t ask so feel free to ignore) don’t backdate the comics. Plug them in on the days you have them ready and drop a note below explaining what happened. It’s less confusing to everyone that way. Check the Sluggy Freelance model. Pete Abrams will sometimes do 2 strips a week, or 3, or 1, or sometimes none. I’ve not seen anybody complain about his update schedule.
What Peter said. In other words, it’s probably a combination of things. I’m glad to see the comic is still going, though! The past few years have been extraordinarily tough for a lot of people. I can speak to that personally.
Thank you for that transparency, and I love you both!!!
No worries, J. Always happy to see a new strip!
Imma be honest, I never noticed the change in updates. I check the website, if there’s a new strip then yay! If not, I check again tomorrow. No biggie, you gotta do things the way they suit your life.
I check all the webcomics I read every Sunday, and if there are new strips for any of them, great; if not, no biggie. These things are a gift, something that makes life just a little more enjoyable, so I would never begrudge their creators if they have needs that must take precedence over providing free entertainment to a bunch of internet randos.
Been with you since Flem! Comics, will prolly stay til two weeks after I die.
I’ve been having this issue as well. Nothing for weeks on end, and then *kaPOW!* 6 or 7 new comics all at once. Running on Xhrome for Android btw, if it makes any difference whatsoever. In this case, it went from “heat grumpies” to “oh hey, we’re at Con and almost out of merch” in one fell swoop.
I still think it’s just me catching up and posting a handful of comics at a time. Like I’m gonna do right now.
Isn’t there room in the bathtub for more than one cat? Just how big ARE these cats?!