Dropped you an Email, not sure about your filters. I know how much you loved Twitter (though you vanished from it). Sent you a mail to see if you and your wife wanted codes for Bluesky. I can get you three of them. I figure you may want one for you, your wife, and to promote your work.
Many plastics contain chemicals called … plasticizers. Whodathunkit? Organic compounds, frequently amine compounds or something like. Amine—as in amino acids, often found in meat. Anyway, to cats, these often make the plastic smell like food, or something tasty to chew on. So if you get plastic plants to keep your pets from chewing them, they are, well, doomed.
Oh this is not familiar, not at all… really.
ANYTHING plastic goes in Maus’ mouth and gets checked for taste and / or texture…
Can’t be any worse than some of the combos they’ve come out with… Or can it???
Dropped you an Email, not sure about your filters. I know how much you loved Twitter (though you vanished from it). Sent you a mail to see if you and your wife wanted codes for Bluesky. I can get you three of them. I figure you may want one for you, your wife, and to promote your work.
Gracias! I’m already on there.
Many plastics contain chemicals called … plasticizers. Whodathunkit? Organic compounds, frequently amine compounds or something like. Amine—as in amino acids, often found in meat. Anyway, to cats, these often make the plastic smell like food, or something tasty to chew on. So if you get plastic plants to keep your pets from chewing them, they are, well, doomed.
Come back Twolumps, all is forgiven